
Data handling - the right tool for the job

Microsoft Excel must be the most widely used analytic tool available today but, it’s not the only tool in my tool-bag and it should not be the only one in yours either.  It’s perfect for building small models, has broad embedded functionality, good charting capabilities, pivot-tables (a superb tool worthy of its own post), comes with a programming language so you can extend its capability even further and almost everybody has a copy already.  It’s awesome and I use it every day.

But...the data we analyze is getting much bigger and a lot more complex.  Even with newer versions of Excel allowing over 1 million records in a sheet, what can you do usefully in Excel with 1 million records?  Certainly, you don’t want to print it, it’s near impossible to chart or model against, bottom line you are using the wrong tool for the job.  To do the job well you need to find, learn and use the right tool.  Don’t believe me?  Try chopping down a tree with a hammer!

Data Cleansing: boring, painful, tedious and very, very important

I've been working recently on a category management project and I'm reminded of just how essential clean, well-organized data is.  We are working to group stores into 'clusters' of similar stores; later we will see what geographic and demographic data best helps us to predict cluster membership and optimize product assortment by cluster.

As a first pass, and under a severe time crunch, we took the data available, ran it through the model and while it processed, I was unhappy with the predictive power we found.  Of course, this approach was ridiculously  optimistic: so, back to look at the product characteristics we were using.

What is ‘analysis’ and why do most ‘analysts’ not do it?

In the Consumer Product Goods (CPG) world, there are a lot of analysts: supply chain analysts; sales analysts; shelf analysts; category analysts; transportation analysts... you get the idea.  For many people the 'analyst' role is their first step onto the managerial ladder.  It is their job to learn the business,  'crunch' numbers and one day, with hard work and a little luck, get promoted to a non-analytic, managerial role.